AdMit 2.1.9 (2022-02-07)
- 'given' argument in inst/CITATION removed
AdMit 2.1.8 (2021-05-16)
AdMit 2.1.7
AdMit 2.1.5 (2020-04-20)
- package_native_routine_registration_skeleton fixed
- url fixed
- fix doc
AdMit 2.1.4 (2020-04-19)
AdMit 2.1.3 (2017-02-04)
AdMit 2.1.2 (2017-01-18)
AdMit 2.1.1 (2017-01-13)
- Info added in DESCRIPTION
AdMit 2.1.0
- Preparation for new release on CRAN
AdMit 2.0.3
AdMit 2.0.2
- DESCRIPTION file adapted to new standard
- Vignette modified
AdMit 2.0.1 (2014-01-07)
- Compilation for new version on CRAN
- New email address
- Package's structure modified
- Vignette's PDF compressed
- Speedup of examples
- New version number format
AdMit 1-01.06 (2012-09-08)
- Speedup of computations for the examples
AdMit 1-01.05
- The argument names of .C etc were changed in 2.13.0 to start with .NAME (to avoid confusion with names= in ...)
for back-compatibility unnamed first argument
AdMit 1-01.04 (2012-08-21)
- dMit and rMit modified to account of several degrees of freedom; this
allows MitISEM to use these functions
AdMit 1-01.03 (2009-08-20)
- documentation file modified
- CITATION file modified
AdMit 1-01.02 (2009-05-11)
AdMit 1-01.01 (2009-01-06)
- change in AdMit.R to deal with convergence problems for simple cases.
- documentation and codes modified according to JSS style.
- creation of /doc folder with AdMitJSS.txt and AdMitRnews.txt files.
- package vignette added (in /doc).
- CITATION file simplified.
- JSS paper accepted for publication.
- Rnews paper accepted for publication.
AdMit 1-00.04 (2008-11-30)
- file AdMitJSS.txt containing the code of the JSS paper is part of the package.
- documentation of AdMit enhanced (explanations for KERNEL construction).
- add reference for Gelman-Meng.
- modify references in CITATION.
- new 'demo' code.
- 'coda' package is now Suggests.
AdMit 1-00.03
- change the version in the function 'onLoad'.
AdMit 1-00.02 (2008-06-10)
AdMit 1-00.01
- previous versions were 'under construction' versions.